What’s New? Logo News For 11.9.17

7 years ago

Welcome to our weekly logo (and design) news blog! This week there are a lot of developments in the world of technology design, so we’ll go ahead and look at those first, followed by a few other changes that have been spotted this week.

Technology Design

Uber and Nasa Planning 2020 Flying Taxi Service Launch
– Yes, you read correctly: Uber and Nasa have some pretty lofty goals within the next few years, and you might want to check them out.

Uber and NASA


China Rail Bus Launches, No Track and No Driver
-This new train in China launched recently, and is quite impressive in the design world.

New Lamborghini Terzo Concept Charges It Own Battery, New Technology
– The Terzo Millennio is drool-worthy. Check out the concept pictures and thoughtful features.

New Storm-Proof Home Can Weather Tough Storms Like Harvey, Irma
– These newly designed homes are meant to withstand category 5 storms with grace.

Artist Finds Special Way to Turn Aerial Photography into Prints
– Check out these aerial images that are created with polystyrene and gold-leafed aluminum.

Other Design News

Woman Designs Tools to Help Sexual Abuse Victims
– These new tools introduce sexual abuse victims to the idea of touch and sensuality.

YouTube Gets an Addictive Redesign
YouTube has received a fancy update that you can read about on Wired.

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