Meet Dhyogo, One of Our World-Class Designers!

7 years ago

Dhyogo is one of our original designers. Like Carlos, he discovered once you join Logoworks…there really isn’t a reason not to stick around. While Dhyogo lives in Brazil, that doesn’t make him less part of our successful team.

Dhyogo has been doing graphic design for over a decade now, several years of it being with Logoworks. When he found the regular 9-5 schedule too constrictive, he decided to scout out a company that gave him a more flexible work time. He found it at Logoworks, and has been onboard ever since. In fact, he calls it the “best job he’s ever had.”

Here’s a little more about Dhyogo!

Tell us about you.

I always liked drawing and creating things and turning ideas into something useful. My first job was in a book publisher, developing covers, at that time I wrote a book in college. Then I worked for an advertising agency for two years. So I decided to work on my own, at my rhythm. That gives me time to play guitar, read my books and work with more quality. I have some clients now and I’m living what I always wanted as a designer.

Dhyogo’s first design ever, almost a decade ago.

You play guitar? You got a video for us?

Yep. Here you go.

Do you have a family of your own? Pets?
Not of my own, I have my mother and stepfather, brother and sister, and yes, I have a dog, I love animals.

What do you like being a designer?
It’s a very fun job, I can develop my creativity and work around the art field, which I always loved and I’m always learning something new, a trick, a technology or a new way to do things in my area.

What kind of books do you like to read?
Well, anything that sounds true and speaks to you at some level. I love Hunter S. Thompson, Alan Moore(comics), Kerouac, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Burroughs, & Kurt Vonnegut

What’s your favorite color to use while designing?
I love to use black, I always start any design with black. I like black and white photos too.

Dhyogo in black and white (he sent it to me this way!).

We love having you, Dhyogo, and hope to see more of your fantastic art style here at Logoworks!

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