5 Tips on Designing a Unique Logo

9 years ago

Being an entrepreneur means you wear many hats, including graphic designer. If you think creating a unique and memorable label is simple, think again. Crafting a brand’s visual identity is more than placing a pretty picture in a square and calling it a day. Here are five tips to create a brand logo that steps up to the podium and above the static of your competitors.

1. Understand Your Brand

Before you can make a logo for your company, you need to understand it’s also an introduction to your business. The logo needs to reach your target market, and you need to keep that in mind when you’re designing it. Know your brand’s personality inside-out. Is it conservative? Is it quirky? The logo needs to be the perfect embodiment of your brand’s personality and mission.

2. Color Outside the Lines

As an adult, we’re used to following the rules. But to get your creative juices flowing, you must think outside the box. Play with colors, fonts and placement before you decide on a specific logo design. Remember, you want to stand out, so make your logo as unique as you are.

3. Color Is Critical

The color palette is one of the most important considerations when it comes to logo design. The Logo Company recently published an article called “The Science Behind Color.” While white stands for simplicity, red invokes feelings of sexiness and boldness.

Take your brand’s characteristics into account and use color accordingly. But remember, never overdo it on the color. Your logo might come across as sloppy and unsophisticated.

4. Avoid Clichés

New designs for logos become fads every so often. You want to fabricate a logo that can stand the test of time, and that means not following trends. Although they might look pretty, do not jump on the logo bandwagon to keep up with the times.

5. What’s in a Name?

A logo shouldn’t just contain a symbol; it should contain a wordmark too. Come up with a simple yet daring wordmark for your company that can quickly be attributed to your products and services. Consider some of the names of the most iconic companies in the world, including Apple, FedEx and Coca-Cola.

If you follow these simple tips, you will create a memorable logo that will speak to your target audience.

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