Why Your Business Needs a Brand Book

11 years ago

After putting time and effort into developing your brand — from designing your logo and graphic identity to defining your messaging and goals — you want to make sure all of that work is preserved and properly implemented. A good way to do that is by creating a brand book or style guide. A brand book, in general, is a compilation of all of your company’s brand elements and it outlines how your logo and other assets should and should not be used. It often also includes an overview of your brand’s voice and personality.

Brand books ensure that both internal employees and external vendors know how to represent your company when creating or designing collateral, emails, webpages, etc., as well as as make sure that your messaging and brand voice is clear and accurate in materials such as press releases, articles and blog posts.

Elements covered in a brand book usually include your company’s vision and values, logo specifications, examples of logo treatments, specific fonts and colors to use for brand assets, and an overview of your brand’s voice and tone.

Check out the brand books below from some of the most well-known brands for inspiration to get started on your own.

Best Buy

[The Next Web, Logo Design Love]

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