Business Card Design Checklist

6 months ago

It only takes seconds for people receiving your business card to form an opinion about you and your brand. Whether they will reach out to you, eager to make the most of your product or services, highly depends on this first impression, so make sure your card speaks fast and works wonders. Here are a few things to keep in mind when putting together your unique business card.

Design your logo

Coming up with a unique logo that will represent your business on all cards, flyers, websites, social pages, brochures and so on is crucial. If you want, you can design your logo on your own, or you can have an expert do it for you — in either case, a logo design is crucial for your card, as it solidifies your brand in your audience’s mind.

Establish your message

Your card has very limited space for text, so keep your message short and sweet. Come up with a slogan, a motto, or a brief, catchy description for your brand. Then place it just under (or next to, if there is enough space) your logo, while keeping the rest of the card clean with plenty of breathing space in order to not appear too busy.

Include your contact details

Don’t forget about the most important aim of your business card — to help potential customers track you down. No matter how dull or predictable it may seem, including your contact details is essential, so make them part of the design. Include your name, professional email address and telephone number. Place them right under your main message in a font slightly smaller than your slogan. Even include a QR Code to send users to your website or to easily download your contact details. Make them prominent, but keep them stylish and ensure they stand out while still looking like an important part of a whole.

Choose the right colors

The colors you choose for your business card should not only effectively represent your brand and send the right message, but also complement each other. Bold, striking colors are highly encouraged, but don’t try to just grab the reader’s attention at all costs. Instead, focus on vibrant colors that go well together, with perhaps only one hue being the focus and the rest complimentary tones and shades that dress it up well.

Your business card should stand out and instantly engage the reader, but it should also be easy to read and gather information from. Focus on making it readable but also original and exciting, while keeping it clean, classy, and uncluttered. Big fonts and vibrant colors should be used to distinguish your unique message, but avoid bullet points, boxes, tables and even borders, and opt for a more relaxed, elegant look.

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